June 20, 2024

How xtype's Automated Runbooks Revolutionize Cloning

Scott Willson

There is one persistent pain point for many ServiceNow teams, which is the manual backup and restore process undertaken every time you clone. This labor-intensive and error-prone task can lead to prolonged coding freeze periods, development downtime, and a significant resource drain. Fortunately, xtype's Instance Management Platform offers the transformative ability of automated, sharable runbooks, significantly enhancing efficiency and reliability.

The Challenges of Manual Backup and Restore Plans

Error-Prone Processes

Manual backup and restore processes are inherently susceptible to human error. Each step requires meticulous attention to detail; even a minor oversight can result in incomplete backups or failed restores. These errors can lead to data loss, instance inconsistencies, and nagging troubleshooting efforts, disrupting the development workflow.

Labor-Intensive Tasks

Preparing and executing manual backup and restore plans demands substantial time and effort from ServiceNow teams. This process often involves manually identifying the differences between instances, selecting the appropriate work-in-progress or WIP (e.g., update sets, plugins, apps, etc.) to back up, and restoring them accurately. The labor-intensive nature of these tasks diverts valuable resources away from more strategic initiatives and innovation.

Prolonged Coding Freeze Periods

Organizations often implement coding freeze periods to ensure the accuracy of the backups. During these times, development activities are halted, causing significant downtime. Prolonged freeze periods delay project timelines, hinder productivity, and contribute to a backlog of work.

The Solution to Manual Backup and Restore Pain Points

xtype's Instance Management Platform offers game-changing features to the challenges of manual cloning efforts. By automating these tasks and generating live, shareable runbooks, xtype streamlines the entire process, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and reliability.

Automated Identification of Differences

xtype's platform automatically identifies the differences between a source and a target instance. This feature eliminates the need for manual comparison and selection, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring that all update sets, plugins, and apps are accurately identified for backup and restoration.

Detailed Backup and Restore Runbooks

Once the differences are identified, xtype generates detailed backup and restore runbooks. These runbooks are not only an itemized list but are backed by an algorithm that offers suggestions to inform your decisions about what to skip, other instances where assets may be restored from, and what assets must be backed up.

Real-Time Automation

xtype's automated runbooks operate in real-time, significantly reducing the time required for backup and restoring update sets, plugins, and apps. This live differential ensures that development activities can continue with minimal disruption, reducing the need for prolonged coding freeze periods and minimizing development downtime.

Improved Accuracy and Reliability

Automated runbooks ensure that backups and restores are performed consistently and accurately every time. This consistency enhances the integrity and reliability of the newly cloned instance, reducing the risk of lost work and nagging troubleshooting. With xtype, organizations can have greater confidence in the integrity of their newly cloned instances.

Ensuring Continuous Improvement and Compliance

Automated runbooks enhance the backup and restore process and provide a framework for continuous improvement and compliance. ServiceNow teams can quickly review and refine their WIP payload. This continuous feedback loop iteratively improves the WIP payload.

Additionally, the detailed runbooks generated by xtype ensure that a change record persists when cloning is completed. ServiceNow teams can demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements during audits. This level of transparency and accountability is crucial for maintaining trust with stakeholders and meeting industry standards.


The manual backup and restore processes in ServiceNow cloning are fraught with challenges that can hinder productivity and increase errors. These errors are discovered post-mortem for days, weeks, and even months after cloning, with the root cause being missing update sets, apps, or plugins in the new clone.

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